Travel & Adventure

The 2023 Economic Impact of the Canadian Recreation Vehicle Industry study sheds light on the substantial influence of Recreation Vehicles (RVs) on the Canadian economy. Spearheaded by various stakeholders, the study aims to estimate the economic activity supported by the RV industry in Canada.
RVs play a vital role in Canadian recreation, offering both travel convenience and a home-like experience outdoors. The study reveals that the RV sector significantly contributes to the economy, generating an estimated 104,200 jobs and adding $12.0 billion in value to the Canadian economy in 2022. The economic impact encompasses diverse aspects, ranging from RV manufacturing, sales, and services to expenditures related to RV ownership, use, storage, maintenance, and travel.
Noteworthy is the finding that a majority of the economic contribution occurs post-initial RV purchase, with 89% of the total value added to the Canadian economy originating from expenditures associated with RV ownership and use. Approximately 2.1 million Canadian households, constituting 14% of the population, own an RV—a 3% increase since 2019.
Post-purchase spending by RV owners is divided into non-travel RV expenditures, covering costs such as insurance, storage, and accessories (amounting to $2.7 billion in 2022), and RV tourism-related expenditures. The latter includes costs associated with RV trips, revealing that 2.1 million RV owners took an estimated 6.3 million RV trips in Canada in 2022, while Canadians who rented RVs took 1.3 million trips. With a total of 7.7 million RV trips resulting in 72.2 million person trip nights and an expenditure of $10.3 billion, RV tourism emerges as the largest contributor to the overall economic impact.
The camping sector generated an estimated 83,600 jobs and added $9.8 billion in value to the economy in 2022, with camping trips accounting for 84% of the total value added. The study indicates that 4.4 million Canadian households engaged in overnight camping trips in 2022, resulting in 93.3 million person trip nights and an initial spending of $9.8 billion.
Recognizing the interconnectedness of RVing and camping, the study combines the economic impacts of both sectors, revealing a combined contribution of 141,400 jobs and $16.2 billion in added value to the Canadian economy in 2022.